Click here to watch this video on youtube and more from our channel TO REGISTER FOR A FREE TRAINING ON OUR MOODLE PLATFORM, KINDLY SUBMIT YOUR DETAILS HERE Hello guys, welcome to my blog, I'll be taking you through an introduction to programming using C language. I'll be doing it on my phone, its my assumption we all have access to a smartphone, whether you are computer or phone don't freak out, the codes are just the same. Am using cppdroid android app to do the coding, to download cppdroid click here. Lesson 1: My first program (Hello world!) #include <stdio.h> main() { printf("Hello world!"); return 0; } Every C program contains a function called main. This is the start point of the program. #include<stdio.h> allows the program to interact with the screen, keyboard and file system of your computer. You will find it at the beginning of almost every C program. ...
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